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6 Ways To Reduce Chronic Inflammation

6 Ways To Reduce Chronic Inflammation

22 June 2016 / Category: News
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6 Ways To Reduce Chronic InflammationDietary changes, exercise, and steering clear of allergens are just a few ways you can actively help reduce chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is related to a number of diseases including asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and many more. Chronic inflammation is a key component of many diseases but it also creates additional problems such as a higher risk for cancer, obesity and heart disease.

What Is Inflammation?

Your body naturally develops inflammation as a response to bacteria, viruses and any foreign invasion of the body. It does so in order to protect you against harmful things. In other words, some inflammation is actually a good thing in order to stay healthy. Yet, as the saying goes, too much of a good thing is never a good thing.

Chronic inflammation can actually go undetected for many years, silently causing damage to your inner tissues. Years later you may develop a disease as a result. A blood test can show the actual levels of inflammation in your body.

If you are experiencing chronic inflammation there are some things you can do to decrease the issue and live a healthier life.

1. Cut Sugar & Trans Fats From Your Diet

Certain foods are linked to inflammation. The thing is, everyone is different and so it may take some trial and error to uncover the best and worst foods for your body. In general, sugars and trans fats contribute to increased inflammation in the body. On the other hand, healthy fats such as animal-based omega-3 fats can help reduce inflammation.

Diet is the best place to start if you’re new to reducing inflammation. There are entire diet plans centered on reducing inflammation, most of which include cutting out sugar/fructose and grains.

2. Eat Plenty Of Vegetables, Fruits & Wild Seafood

Just as certain foods contribute to creating more inflammation in the body, other foods actually help to reduce this inflammation. Some of these foods include deeply pigmented vegetables, turmeric, oregano, garlic, green tea, and blueberries. A diet heavily grounded in plant-based meals will help you live a healthier life. Avoiding the standard American diet is key to feeling better, but it’s easier said than done. Although, once you make the shift it’s much harder to go back because you will feel so much better.

3. Cut Back On Wheat and Dairy

Dairy and wheat are the most common contributors to food sensitivities, which relate directly to more inflammation in the body. If your body suffers from intolerance to lactose or celiac disease (a sensitivity to gluten) it sees diary and wheat as a negative invader in the body. As mentioned above, when the body thinks an intruder is on the loose it will respond with inflammation.

4. Get Regular Exercise

There is more proof that changing your diet decreases inflammation than exercise, but that doesn’t mean you should leave out this important component to overall health. When you exercise your body releases tranquilizing chemicals known as endorphins.  This chemical release actually creates pleasure and relaxation in the body, which helps to rejuvenate and heal from the inside out.

Inflammation is directly linked with heart disease. One study discovered men that run for an hour or more every week reduce their risk for developing heart disease by a shocking 42%.

Research points out that exercise lowers levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the body, which is the body’s marker for inflammation. In other words, if you lower your CRP you lower levels of inflammation in the body.

How much exercise do you need? Aim for around 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity. Mix up the type of exercises you partake in, getting in a good combination of cardio, weightlifting, stretching and so forth throughout the week.   

5. Get Plenty Of Sleep

Sleep is an incredibly important component to overall good health. If you don’t get enough sleep your immune system is weakened, memory impaired, and your body may even enter a pre-diabetic state. Plus, a lack of sleep is going to worsen inflammation.

6. Steer Clear Of Your Allergens

There are countless potential allergens out in the world and it’s important to know if you have any. If you are routinely exposed to something you are allergic to you are going to experience increased inflammation.  A simple allergy test can determine all of the things your body is allergic to. These results will help you eliminate the things in your life that are making you sicker and more inflamed.

If inflammation is getting in the way of your life it’s important to visit a doctor to discuss your symptoms and treatment options. Along with diet and lifestyle changes, there are medications on the market that actively help to reduce inflammation in the body.

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